this wouldn't be a hurt comfort site if our rules wouldn't hurt at least a bit
Rule number 1
Characters should remain in character. Characters should be treated with respect and appreciation to the extent that such respect and appreciation is not inconsistent with making things genuinely unpleasant for them from time to time. Trash the character’s body and stress the character’s heart and mind and soul, but don’t trash the character.
Rule number 2
The English language is a flexible and powerful communications tool. Please use it according to its traditional structures of composition.
Rule number 3
Physical activity should not exceed the boundaries of sense and reason. If it’s not physically possible, don’t submit it here. If it’s too physically improbable to sustain suspension of disbelief, don’t submit it here. If the gymnastics or feats of endurance envisioned are of sufficient complexity to halt the narrative flow, the story will not be suitable for this site. Don’t pull a "Philosophies in the Boudoir" on us please.
Rule number 4
This is not a gensite. Material submitted to this website should be explicit hurt-comfort in which there is at least enough hurt to make it all worth while. Comfort is, however, required, whether explicit or implied, or the characters aren’t going to want to play with us any more after a while.
Rule number 5
While this is a strongly kink-friendly hurt-comfort site, the management reserves the right to reject or accept specific kinks based on its own personal tolerance level. "Hurt" is expected to mean "hurt," not "humiliate" or "inconvenience" or "embarrass."
Rule number 6
Stories in which one of the major characters is permanently mutilated or dies are unlikely to be accepted for this site.
Rule number 7
Vignettes may be considered from time to time when we find them really juicy. However, the preferred document will provide the complete hurt-comfort experience of a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end.
The Perfect Story for this Site Would Be . . .
A self-contained dramatic entity, whether part of a larger story arc or not
Well-written and well-thought-out, with adequate descriptions to sustain the mood
Feature characters recognizably in character whose emotional reactions are not inconsistent with the parameters of the on-screen or "canon" personae
Raise the management’s heart and respiration rates at least once
Provide appropriate supportive after-care for characters (and readers )
And always remember . .We only hurt the ones we love